Programa de Intercambio Cultural
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Frequently Asked Questions
When is the dry/rainy season in Gandoca?
The Caribbean does not have the same, predictable dry and rainy seasons that the other parts of Costa Rica have. generally, it's going to rain every week and it's going to be sunny every week. That said, typically June and July are a bit wetter and many people’s favorite times of year are mid August - October.
Can I Participate with my Family?
Yes! Families have had a great experience in Gandoca with our program and we can accommodate all ages. We have special rates for couples and children under 13.
What is the culture around substances?
Gandoca is a quiet and fairly conservative town in terms of substance use. There are no bars or nightlife and it's definitely not a place to come party. Most families will not have any alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana in their homes. For some families an occasional beer is ok. Please discuss with us if that’s something important for you.
Is Gandoca a safe community?
Gandoca is such a small town that everyone knows each other well and there are not many people passing through the town. That makes it a pretty safe place. The only issues we’re aware of are related to petty theft but thankfully it has never impacted anyone in our program..
Any other safety precautions I should be aware of?
Yes. It is very important to respect the jungle and ocean. Both these environments are constantly changing and it is important to observe you environment before you interact with it. At the beach, the currents change regularly and you should never swim alone. Some days you’ll be able to swim but other days it is best only to wade in the water. The jungle is a place to practice caution as well and to be aware that there are things such as ants, scorpions, snakes, caterpillars, and other insects that can bite. Where boots, use your senses, and don’t reach blindly at things.
How are the bugs?
The bugs are another thing that change regularly. There are times where the mosquitoes are very present and other times you won’t notice them at all. There are also some small nats known as sand fleas that can be annoying. Most of this depends on weather cycles and the seasonality of their predators. The best defense we’ve found is to bring some lightweight long sleeve clothing for the evenings and the use of incense.
What are the Covid restrictions for Costa Rica?
Costa Rica doesn’t require any testing or vaccinations to enter the country. Please check the restrictions in your country for rules about re-entering.
Have more questions? Contact us below.